Blog posts
Remember Make it simple but significant!
One secret to making your room more functional is to create a multipurpose area. for @samanthabernardo__ it is not only her vanity...
Western European Interiors
Western European interiors are always fascinating and stainless steel design element composition are widely used in every living space!photo credit: @cn_interiorsphFor...
Totguard Ergonomic Study Table
Comfortable and more relaxed children leads to better learning, better attention levels, better memory and better concentration.Happy to see Totguard...

Better learning starts now with Totguard ergonomic chair. Comfortable and more relaxed children leads to better learning, better attention levels, better memory and better concentration. We're happy to see Totguard kids furniture at our clients home!
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275 Connecticut Street Greenhills East Mandaluyong
Monday - Sunday, 9:30 am - 6:30 pm